Cathartic refers to an emotional release or purification experienced through a work of art, literature, or any expressive medium. It often involves a powerful emotional response, such as relief, purification, or healing, resulting from engaging with and processing...
A euphemism is a polite or less direct way of expressing something uncomfortable, unpleasant, or sensitive. It’s a way of using milder or more socially acceptable words or phrases to talk about something that might otherwise be too blunt or offensive. Euphemisms...
Connotation refers to the array of emotions, feelings, or concepts that a word gathers up in addition to its dictionary meaning. Most words have connotations beyond or in addition to their original meaning. For example, the terms “child” and...
Texturing in computer graphics is the art of imbuing 3D objects with lifelike visual details. This process involves applying 2D images, known as textures, onto the surfaces of 3D models. These textures serve as a visual map, defining attributes such as color,...
An homage is an imitation of another work. At first glance, it may seem like an homage is a lesser copy, but it pays tribute to and honors the source work. Homage is a great way to use other filmmakers’ styles and content to crystallize your unique voice as a...
The word “avant-garde” comes from the French for “advance guard,” as in the first person to see or experience anything new. When used about a piece of work, the adjective describes something that pushes or breaks conventions, invents new...